Facilitates access to this state in a standardized and efficient manner through gRPC

The UTxORPC (u5c) provider facilitates access to this state in a standardized and efficient manner through gRPC, using a compact and high-performance binary format. It enables seamless interaction with the Cardano blockchain, to facilitate the creation, signing, and submission of transactions.

  • Standardized Interface: Implements the UTxORPC specification to ensure compatibility and interoperability across UTxO-based blockchains.
  • Performance Optimized: Utilizes gRPC for efficient communication with blockchain nodes, minimizing network overhead and message size.
  • Flexible Provider Options: Suitable for use with hosted services, local nodes like Dolos, or any UTxORPC-compliant service.

The following code samples assume that the UTxORPC node is running locally on localhost:50051. If your node is hosted remotely or on a different server, replace "http://localhost:50051" with the appropriate server URL and port for your environment.

You can also use the UTxORPC provider with a hosted service like Demeter.run. Demeter is a PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) that provides managed Cardano infrastructure. One of their services consists of a cloud-hosted endpoint for Cardano integration using the UTxO RPC spec. Developers can sign-up and get access to the API on a per-request basis.

For more details on configuring your node, refer to the UTxORPC Ecosystem Servers Documentation.

Get data from URL

You can fetch any data from the blockchain by providing the URL path.

Get data from URL

Fetch data from the blockchain

Fetch Account Info

Obtain information about a specific stake account.

Fetch Account Info

Fetch account info using stake address

Fetch Address Assets

Fetch assets from an address.

Fetch Address UTxOs

Fetch UTxOs from address

Fetch assets from address

Fetch assets given an address

Fetch Address UTxOs

Fetch UTxOs controlled by an address.

Optionally, you can filter UTXOs containing a particular asset by providing asset, where it is the concatenation of policy ID and asset.

Fetch Address UTxOs

Fetch UTxOs from address

Fetch UTxOs with Asset

Fetch UTxOs from address with asset

Fetch Asset Addresses

Fetch a list of a addresses containing a specific asset where it is the concatenation of policy ID and asset.

Fetch Asset Addresses

Fetch list of addresses containing a specific asset

Fetch Asset Metadata

Fetch the asset metadata by providing asset's unit, which is the concatenation of policy ID and asset name in hex.

Fetch Asset Metadata

Fetch metadata from asset ID

Fetch Block Info

Fetch block infomation. You can get the hash from fetchTxInfo().

Fetch Block Info

Fetch information about a block

Fetch Collection Assets

Fetch a list of assets belonging to a collection by providing its Policy ID.

The API will return a list of assets and a cursor next. If the cursor is not null, you can use it to fetch the next page of results. Here is an example of the response.

The fetchCollectionAssets function also accepts an optional cursor parameter to fetch the next page of results. The default value is 1.

Fetch Collection Assets

Fetch list of assets belonging to a collection and its quantity

Fetch Handle Address

ADA Handle allows users to use a human-readable "Handle" to associate an address.

Each Handle is a unique NFT, minted and issued on the Cardano blockchain. These NFTs act as unique identifiers for the UTXO that they reside in.

We can resolve the handle's address with fetchHandleAddress.

Fetch Handle Address

Fetch address by handle

Fetch Handle

ADA Handle allows users to use a human-readable "Handle" to associate an address.

Each Handle is a unique NFT, minted and issued on the Cardano blockchain. These NFTs act as unique identifiers for the UTXO that they reside in.

ADA Handle also released a CIP68 handle and this function will fetch the metadata of the handle.

Fetch Handle

Fetch handle metadata

Fetch Protocol Parameters

Fetch the latest protocol parameters.

Optionally, you can provide an epoch number to fetch the protocol parameters of that epoch.

Fetch Protocol Parameters

Fetch protocol parameters of the blockchain by epoch

Fetch Transaction Info

Fetch transaction infomation. Only confirmed transaction can be retrieved.

Fetch Transaction Info

Fetch information about a transaction

Evaluate Transaction

evaluateTx() accepts an unsigned transaction (unsignedTx) and it evaluates the resources required to execute the transaction. Note that, this is only valid for transaction interacting with redeemer (smart contract). By knowing the budget required, you can use this to adjust the redeemer's budget so you don't spend more than you need to execute transactions for this smart contract.

Example responses from unlocking assets from the always succeed smart contract.

With the mem and steps, you can refine the budget for the redeemer. For example:

Evaluate Transaction

Evaluate the resources required to execute a transaction

Submit Transaction

Submit a serialized transaction to the network.

On Transaction Confirmed

Allow you to listen to a transaction confirmation. Upon confirmation, the callback will be called.